Rituraj Borah
Sustainable Development Professional
UNIDO - National Programme Manager, FLCTD
Expert, Governing Body - Assam Climate Change Management Society, Member-State REDD+ Cell, Gov. of Assam, India.
National Lead for ClimateLaunchpad North-East.
Over 18 years of experience in managing programme delivery in coordination with governments, public, and private sector.
Developed and collaborated on technical assistance programs in climate change, energy efficiency, renewable energy policy analysis, and linkage of energy efficiency and access.
Practiced in the environment, energy, urban, and sustainable development sectors, and comfortable operating in all work cultures/environments.
United Nations Industrial Development Organization
National Program Manager
August 2021 - continuing
Currently managing UNIDO-BEE-GEF project "Facility for Low Carbon Technology Deployment" (FLCTD), to identify innovative low carbon technology solutions for industrial and commercial sectors.
Programme Consultant: Assam Climate Change Management Society (ACCMS), Gov. of Assam, Member - State REDD+ Cell and National Lead for ClimateLaunchpad North-East, India.
April 2017 - June 2021
- Led ACCMS’s efforts on disseminating climate change impacts and mitigation solutions through learning centres, provide technical assistance and support fund-raising, Action plan for Carbon Neutral Majuli, the first carbon neutral district of India launched by the Assam government as Sustainable Action for Climate-Resilient Development (SACReD) in Majuli
- Collaborated with IORA Ecological Solutions and Assam Energy Development Agency in the deployment of DRE pilot projects to address electricity generation gaps in rural areas.
- Developed and implemented pilot projects - improved cook stoves for tea communities and SPV based safe and reliable drinking water for school children in remote villages of Assam.
- Collaborated with ICF on IGEN-ACCESS project “Energy Action Plan” for Assam to support the Assam Power Dept. in framing the action plan w.r.t. demand and efficient utilization of power in the state.
- Assisted Managing Director, Assam Urban Water Supply & Sewerage Board in designing programs for modernization & mainstreaming urban water sector.
- Lead Member of CARE LUIT a not-profit Trust: responsible for supporting MyGov Assam, Assam Forest Dept. in carrying out capacity building and awareness programmes on environment and climate change.
Climate Policy Initiative
Senior Associate – India Lab Secretariat
August 2015 – April 2017
As the project manager for the India Lab, I supported strategy setting and forward planning of the India Innovation Lab for Green Finance, with an emphasis on designing innovative financial instruments to drive public and private finance for clean energy, particularly in India; led a team of 12 analysts on the analysis and development of The Lab’s innovative financial instruments; managed ongoing relationships with key stakeholders including government, funding partners, 33 lab members, to ensure continued engagement into analytical processes, and their eventual support for final instrument outputs; organized high level Lab meetings to present instrument designs and forward planning.
Program Associate
June 2010 - July 2015
I provided technical, programmatic, and administrative support to the India program team and the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), Gov. of India, specifically in the development of annual activities plan including budget, development and release of RFP, evaluation of proposals, reporting, and coordination with key stakeholders in the venue that included BEE, BIS, consumer associations, manufacturer associations testing laboratories, etc.
I managed and contributed to numerous market and technical assessments with emphasis on initiatives for standards and labeling policy, market transformation, capacity building, and end use efficiency. At one point, I was facilitating the participation of BEE in the US Department of Energy’s Super-efficient Equipment and Appliance Deployment (SEAD) Initiative.
ICLEI South Asia
Senior Project Associate – Energy & Climate
May 2008 - June 2010
At the International Council of Local Environmental Initiatives’ South Asian Secretariat, I led a team to design and implement pilot projects to demonstrate feasibility of incorporating renewable energy and energy efficiency policies as part of municipal development strategies. I coordinated with 40 Indian and South Asian cities to develop a city energy consumption report and carbon emission inventory leading to the formulation of generic action plans. I worked on a number of multilateral projects funded by GIZ, BHC, WISIONS, in coordination with MNRE, BEE, MoUD, NIUA, etc.
IT Power India Pvt. Ltd.
Assistant Manager – Energy
June 2006 - April 2008
I was involved in the development of a small-scale solar fish drier to be used as a deliverable for coastal villages affected by the 2004 tsunami. I was also part of an international team that developed a WHO recommended small-scale incinerator to dispose health care waste in less developed and transitional countries where resources are limited.
Program management & strategy, Policy Analysis, Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy & Sustainable Development.
Managing programme delivery for multilateral/donor clients, budget management, reporting, coordination with policy makers/ government organizations, stakeholder outreach and developing program/project work-plans.
Technical Certifications
Energy Audit.
Maintenance, Designing & Application of Solar Photovoltaic Cells & Batteries - NISE.
ISO 14064:2006; greenhouse gas emission inventory and greenhouse gas emission reduction.
Professional Excellence
Finalist at the World Bank’s India Development Marketplace 2007 themed - ‘Grassroots Innovations for the Protection and Management of Natural Resources.’ Awarded a citation and prize money by President Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam for the idea: Solar energy solutions for primary health centres (PHC) http://documents.worldbank.org/curated/en/892001468033626159/pdf/540740NEWS0WB010Box345635B01PUBLIC1.pdf
Member of South Asia delegation to attend the Local Government Climate sessions in UNFCCC COP-14, Poznan, Poland (December 2008) & COP-15, Copenhagen, Denmark (December 2009)
Financing India’s Renewable Energy Targets:
Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow, India
Business Management
University of Petroleum & Energy Studies, India
MSc Energy Efficiency
Dissertation: Coal Liquefaction
Gauhati University, India
BSc Geology